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Friday, August 31, 2012

Been a bit lazy

I have been's been years since my last post. Maximus is a happy, healthy, wordy wrecking ball :) I complain all the time about having to give up my life, not do the things I used to, can't find time for anything, but really this ride I'm on is a fair amount of fun. THE GOOD NEWS is that we're due for baby # 3in December. The gender has not been released publicly yet.... but with two kids in diapers I'm sure to have NO free time. As for Max's development things are coming along swimmingly... He can count to ten +, occasionally missing #6 for some reason, ABC's are coming along, people often comment on his speech and vocabulary.... for example while at the NSCC gym he said "aiiiir ballll" when I was shooting hoops...d'wha? another example i dead lifted the stroller over the balcony and Nonie had mentioned something about an aneurism, Max immediately began saying 'aneurism'. I've been slow on the photos.... let me see if I can add a few. Take care

Saturday, December 4, 2010

A new little guy each day

I'm new to this parenting game, so I don't have much time for anything anymore, I'm usually running on a couple of hours of unbroken please bear with me, this blog, and subsequent photos don't go up as fast as they should.

So what about Max these days....well, he loves standing...if you support him, he'll stand, if you hold his hands he'll pull himself's a little crazy, he likes being taller than you.
 He has recently learned how to work some know if you pull on this they'll make a sound kinda toys.... hmm what else, oh yes his nails grow like wolverine... my god, Nonie and I (I suppose Max too now that I think of it) look like we have just tangled with a rabid raccoon..... torn to shreds.
I got to spend an early morning with him and the camera, he's turning into quite a looker...I hope you enjoy.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sorry it's been so long......tough week

Well a few weeks have come and gone and I haven't posted anything new.... my bad completely. I'm no longer on paternity leave, so things are back to their busy self.

Tig's 2nd birthday was this week, the feelings are just as fresh as they were.... I fear that will always be a tough day. Nonie and I stole away on the south shore for most of the week... despite the rain it was really nice... now then the reason we all tune in..... recent photos of the boy in ever growing splendor....

Some notables from Max's life of late: Most recently he met his other grandfather for the first time, Nonie's Dad, Adrian. We had a great week together up on the shore.... Christmas in November, always a great combo.
It's been a busy time for Max, the cottage closed for 2010, had his first (now second) babysitters, Margo's 70th, first night in a hotel, and his baptism .

Max had his first trip to emergency :( Hives started to show up? as new parents we both freaked.... an emerg Doc (who was a bit of an odd duck) claimed they boy had (get this)
erythema multiforme mycoplasma
Holy crap!!!doesn't that sound horrible.... we treated him with kids strength benadryl for a week and the hives (which would come and go) seem to have left...I'll post a photo below of him in the morning (the worst times)

I hope you're all well.

My god we travel heavy now-a-days

Getting cold at seasons end

My first babysitters...they had to force us out

Marmo's 70th

Baptism with god parents


Baby dreams... how peaceful

bright-eyed boy

Blues like his Mom's

Those blues are Nonie's, the lunatic intensity that's me :)

Christmas in November

"what's a fella have to do to get a drink around this place?"

Hugging Alex

poor hive-y boy

Uncle Alex

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Growing, growing, growing

I don't know what I thought parenthood was going to be like, but I have to say, it's tougher than I thought..... people who tell you things don't really change are full of it.

I don't think I own a shirt or jacket that doesn't have some vomit on it, I'm pretty sure I've lost some percentage of my hearing due to a screaming child inches from my ear, and the olfactory and visual assaults in the poo department...I won't even mention.

The real magic though, what makes it all worthwhile is watching this little guy develop so rapidly. When he smiles at me, I can't help but smile, no matter how crappy things may have just been..... Thanks Max

Admit it.... I'm a cuite

This bumbo thing might just work out

Lovin the fuzzy suit

Enjoying a read with dad

Nose to nose snooze with Mum

Standing....yes standing! (with the aid of the couch), well OK, leaning! (12 weeks!)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Well, I knew this day was coming! :(

My paternity leave comes to an end today.... it's back to the grind with work.
Some people had said "you'll be dying to go back to work", " a new born is tough business, you"ll be happy to get back to the office"....I gotta say...They were wrong, I'm going to miss this little guy, my wife and our time alone together a lot!
I'm annoyed even.... I know I will get little sympathy, I've already heard "they didn't have this luxury when we had kids", " get back to work, what am I paying taxes for", "we have nothing like this in the USA", "I only got 4 days then it was back to work"..... 
I'm glad I got to spend Max's initial time as a family unit, it was a lot of fun and full of new experiences for everyone, I'm just sad that I will only get to see the new experiences on a more structured schedule..... any new dads out there or soon to be dads..... take advantage of the time, you won't be disappointed.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Notable events from my short life so far

I haven't been taking many photos of late. GrandMo is down and we've been busy.

 I have been thinking about events that may or may not have shaped his little life so far ... here are just a few:
Just moments after my first dip in the ocean

Second swim in the Atlantic at 1 month old
First family swim
My first boat trip...not a sailboat I know, but good deep water off Yarmouth
I have had many firsts but these are the ones that jump out (and that I have photos for at this late hour). I had my first hurricane first horse, Alpaca, family nosh, McHarg party.... more items to come.

Take care.