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Friday, August 31, 2012

Been a bit lazy

I have been's been years since my last post. Maximus is a happy, healthy, wordy wrecking ball :) I complain all the time about having to give up my life, not do the things I used to, can't find time for anything, but really this ride I'm on is a fair amount of fun. THE GOOD NEWS is that we're due for baby # 3in December. The gender has not been released publicly yet.... but with two kids in diapers I'm sure to have NO free time. As for Max's development things are coming along swimmingly... He can count to ten +, occasionally missing #6 for some reason, ABC's are coming along, people often comment on his speech and vocabulary.... for example while at the NSCC gym he said "aiiiir ballll" when I was shooting hoops...d'wha? another example i dead lifted the stroller over the balcony and Nonie had mentioned something about an aneurism, Max immediately began saying 'aneurism'. I've been slow on the photos.... let me see if I can add a few. Take care