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Sunday, September 26, 2010

Notable events from my short life so far

I haven't been taking many photos of late. GrandMo is down and we've been busy.

 I have been thinking about events that may or may not have shaped his little life so far ... here are just a few:
Just moments after my first dip in the ocean

Second swim in the Atlantic at 1 month old
First family swim
My first boat trip...not a sailboat I know, but good deep water off Yarmouth
I have had many firsts but these are the ones that jump out (and that I have photos for at this late hour). I had my first hurricane first horse, Alpaca, family nosh, McHarg party.... more items to come.

Take care.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm 8 weeks old today and 14 pounds

Wait, now I'm confused, this is the port side, but my starboard hand?
Wearing the latest European duds... thanks GrandMo
Loving the afternoon naps
Arms up sleeps in the bed-boat are the best sleeps
Family shot.... Mom's 33rd birthday, my 8 week

Today has been a busy day, Max is on the verge of his 8th week and Nonie had her 33rd birthday, GrandMo also arrived from Halifax.
The pile of clothes this kid can't wear is growing... he's getting big, and quickly.... kinda hard to believe considering the amount of various substances that come out of the kid :(
3 exits..... no waiting
Hope you enjoy....
P.S. Happy Birthday Beauty Gal!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

So, is this a roll over?

Heeeey!, right on it worked! I have been trying to get this video up in varying lengths for 2 days..... sorry folks I'm new to this blogisphere :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

A beautiful day for a smile

It rained hard yesterday, but today has revealed a 'looker' of a day...sunny (shirtless warm) and blue sky....the boats have been coming and going, some even under sail.
Max had not a bad night, but we were getting used to his long hours (4 to 6), so when he cries after only 2.... it's ummm....disrupting

The big news today is what looked like 'non gas related' smiles :)

Ok, well this one might be gas related

Friday, September 17, 2010

New day.... less sleep

Poor little guy didn't sleep well last night, which means that neither did Mom and Dad..... just to add some misery to the situation a furnace repair guy was due to arrive at 0800.

Ahh well.... furnace is all cleaned and looking good for another year, and the boy is still  I'll take the crunchy with the smooth.

Rain is falling, but the fire is on...

Here are some notables from Max :

Thursday, September 16, 2010

He's becoming a character

Well Max is growing, growing, growing....
we have had two incidences in his 6th week where he has slept for more than 6 hours at a stretch.

Grandparents believe he is developing rapidly... I think he is starting to look more and more like my beautiful wife.

I was thinking about dear Antigone (Tig)

It's late, and I have been working on this blog for Max, but my mind keeps going to Tig.
I thought I would share with you the last two emails to family, friends and loved ones who tried to help Tig with prayers, positive thoughts and love all round.... I will always miss that little girl.
These still kill me, every time I read them.

Subject: Flights of angels
>>> It's with heavy heart that I must report the Dr feels that Antigone's
>>> vital organs have been too badly damaged to support life.
>>> Our dear little tig was with us for an all too short period. They
>>> haven't
>>> shut down the machines so that Nonie and I can spend as much time with
>>> her
>>> as we need, before they begin the shutdown procedure.
>>> Words can't express the thanks we have for all your prayers and wishes.
>>> Nonie and I and tig know that there is a great amount of love and
>>> support.
>>> The toughest time of all begins right now, as Nonie and I plot out our
>>> course together in a world without tig.
>>> I bid you farewell as we go now to help untie and set free our own
>>> little
>>> girl. She is about to meet good company of those who have gone before.
>>> Xo
>>> C&N&T

Subject: Slipped her mooring

> Antigone Rory Elizabeth Nichols shook off the mortal coil at 1600 today.
> The machinery was all turned off at 1530, the time of her birth just 13
> days ago. It was a beautiful clear afternoon, much like the day she
> arrived.
> Nonie and I held her for her trip out. She went peacefully.
> It was so very nice to have met her, we only wish we'd had a chance to see
> her grow.
> No plans on the logistics side of things, but I think Nonie and I will go
> away for a few weeks.
> Thank you all for the love and support during this difficult time.
> Xo
> C&N

I'm late getting going on this....

I was thinking that it would have been awesome had I started this the day Max was born, sadly times have been a bit crazy... he is growing like a weed now at we'll be at 7 weeks this coming Friday.
He is a bright eyed little guy... here a few from just 5 days old

On this day a child is born

Subject: He has arrived :)!!!

A sailor is born:

Maximus William John Nichols

Born July 30 @ 0829

Weight: 7lb 14