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Thursday, September 16, 2010

I was thinking about dear Antigone (Tig)

It's late, and I have been working on this blog for Max, but my mind keeps going to Tig.
I thought I would share with you the last two emails to family, friends and loved ones who tried to help Tig with prayers, positive thoughts and love all round.... I will always miss that little girl.
These still kill me, every time I read them.

Subject: Flights of angels
>>> It's with heavy heart that I must report the Dr feels that Antigone's
>>> vital organs have been too badly damaged to support life.
>>> Our dear little tig was with us for an all too short period. They
>>> haven't
>>> shut down the machines so that Nonie and I can spend as much time with
>>> her
>>> as we need, before they begin the shutdown procedure.
>>> Words can't express the thanks we have for all your prayers and wishes.
>>> Nonie and I and tig know that there is a great amount of love and
>>> support.
>>> The toughest time of all begins right now, as Nonie and I plot out our
>>> course together in a world without tig.
>>> I bid you farewell as we go now to help untie and set free our own
>>> little
>>> girl. She is about to meet good company of those who have gone before.
>>> Xo
>>> C&N&T

Subject: Slipped her mooring

> Antigone Rory Elizabeth Nichols shook off the mortal coil at 1600 today.
> The machinery was all turned off at 1530, the time of her birth just 13
> days ago. It was a beautiful clear afternoon, much like the day she
> arrived.
> Nonie and I held her for her trip out. She went peacefully.
> It was so very nice to have met her, we only wish we'd had a chance to see
> her grow.
> No plans on the logistics side of things, but I think Nonie and I will go
> away for a few weeks.
> Thank you all for the love and support during this difficult time.
> Xo
> C&N

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have fun with this blog - hopefully you can back it up to a disc for Max when he's older.
    I have all these Tig e-mails saved too - and these last two are particularly heartbreaking.
    Never thought I'd say this but you appear to have your Grandfathers talent for writing !!

    A xo
