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Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm 8 weeks old today and 14 pounds

Wait, now I'm confused, this is the port side, but my starboard hand?
Wearing the latest European duds... thanks GrandMo
Loving the afternoon naps
Arms up sleeps in the bed-boat are the best sleeps
Family shot.... Mom's 33rd birthday, my 8 week

Today has been a busy day, Max is on the verge of his 8th week and Nonie had her 33rd birthday, GrandMo also arrived from Halifax.
The pile of clothes this kid can't wear is growing... he's getting big, and quickly.... kinda hard to believe considering the amount of various substances that come out of the kid :(
3 exits..... no waiting
Hope you enjoy....
P.S. Happy Birthday Beauty Gal!

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