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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Growing, growing, growing

I don't know what I thought parenthood was going to be like, but I have to say, it's tougher than I thought..... people who tell you things don't really change are full of it.

I don't think I own a shirt or jacket that doesn't have some vomit on it, I'm pretty sure I've lost some percentage of my hearing due to a screaming child inches from my ear, and the olfactory and visual assaults in the poo department...I won't even mention.

The real magic though, what makes it all worthwhile is watching this little guy develop so rapidly. When he smiles at me, I can't help but smile, no matter how crappy things may have just been..... Thanks Max

Admit it.... I'm a cuite

This bumbo thing might just work out

Lovin the fuzzy suit

Enjoying a read with dad

Nose to nose snooze with Mum

Standing....yes standing! (with the aid of the couch), well OK, leaning! (12 weeks!)


  1. Oh yea - it's tough - and this is the EASY part !! xo A

  2. And also - It was YOU who said nothing was going to change !!!

  3. Wow, you can suddenly see Nonie in Max! So sweet. Keep the photos coming!
