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Monday, October 11, 2010

Well, I knew this day was coming! :(

My paternity leave comes to an end today.... it's back to the grind with work.
Some people had said "you'll be dying to go back to work", " a new born is tough business, you"ll be happy to get back to the office"....I gotta say...They were wrong, I'm going to miss this little guy, my wife and our time alone together a lot!
I'm annoyed even.... I know I will get little sympathy, I've already heard "they didn't have this luxury when we had kids", " get back to work, what am I paying taxes for", "we have nothing like this in the USA", "I only got 4 days then it was back to work"..... 
I'm glad I got to spend Max's initial time as a family unit, it was a lot of fun and full of new experiences for everyone, I'm just sad that I will only get to see the new experiences on a more structured schedule..... any new dads out there or soon to be dads..... take advantage of the time, you won't be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. Hey I will give you a little sympathy. I think it was awesome that you took that time with Max and Nonie. By going back to work you will just appreciate the time you get to spend with them as a family. Unfortunately in the real world ya kind of have to work. You are a great Dad and by the way I quite enjoyed the skivies pic.
